Why intentional branding is so important for your business
Lindsay Echo Lindsay Echo

Why intentional branding is so important for your business

The other day I went for a massage, and the massage clinic’s branding was very confusing to me. I felt like I only half-belonged there, which really stood out to me and inspired me to share the reasons why consistent branding is SO important.

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Homepage flow for your online shop
Sarah Kobasiuk Sarah Kobasiuk

Homepage flow for your online shop

Have you ever set up your own website, but had no clue what to put on the home page, or how it should flow? You’re not alone, my friend! Let me take you through my tried and true home page flow for your online shop.

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Conversions through consistency
Sarah Kobasiuk Sarah Kobasiuk

Conversions through consistency

Let’s talk about 3 things you can do to increase conversions through consistency between your social media and your website…

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So, what's a Design Day?
Lindsay Echo Lindsay Echo

So, what's a Design Day?

Imagine this... One day (6 hours) of expert design time dedicated to YOUR business. Instant feedback and super quick turnaround times, all from the comfort of your home or office. No more waiting days for emails, or being too busy to send feedback.

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are you ready?

Let’s bring your heartfelt, authentic brand to life

Through my signature design process, I help soulpreneurs just like you take your inspiring business to the next level by positioning yourself in front of your dream clients as the expert that you are.