How to customize the message on your Shopify abandoned cart email

Ever visited an online store, filled up your cart, went to checkout, and then totally forgot to go back and finish the job? Yeah, me neither…

Look, I get it. Sometimes people need time to overthink their purchases, which is totally fine. Or maybe they don’t want to go all the way downstairs to get their credit card (been there). Or they might have been interrupted mid-purchase by a child that needs their attention right this second (speaking from experience here).

Reminding your customers about their abandoned cart is not only going to boost your sales, but it also acts as a courtesy to them. What if they are nearly out of the product they are trying to order from you? Or need it to arrive on time so they can gift it to someone special?

If you aren’t sending them a reminder, they’ll be left running to a store last minute or ordering from the super fast shipping warehouse that shall not be named... Ouch. Let’s fix that ASAP.

So, what can I do to help my customers?

Turn on your abandoned cart notification and give it some personality so your customer isn’t left thinking a literal robot sent it to them.

Added bonus: include a little discount code to encourage them to finalize their purchase, or let them know that inventory is running low. Sometimes a little discount or boost of urgency can give them the motivation they need to get their butts in gear and finish checking out.

How do I customize the abandoned cart message in Shopify, then?

It’s pretty straightforward, let me tell ya:

  • Head to Settings

  • Click Notifications

  • Scroll down to Abandoned Checkout and click it

  • Click the Edit Code button

  • Find the current messaging and replace it with something fun!

  • Click Save to make it happen

  • Send yourself a Test Email to see how it looks in your inbox

  • Do a little dance because you’re super smart and I’m proud of you


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