Do more things that light you up inside

Have you ever noticed that when you’re doing something that lights you up inside, you suddenly have SO much more energy? Like a freakishly high amount of energy that somehow just arrived out of nowhere? For me, that looks like spending time at the beach, walking through the forest, or spending time having deep conversations with my soul family.

Working at a job you don’t love is draining… but going on vacation takes way more energy than going to work and doing the same thing day in and day out… but going on vacation is something to look forward to, something exciting, something that lights you up. Suddenly you have all the energy to take long drives or flights, do all the things, and see all the things. Funny how that works, isn’t it?

Start with something small and easy

Carve out some intentional time to slow down and notice the little things in your life:

  • Take a slow, intentional walk in the forest

  • Stop and admire the architecture on your walk to work

  • Listen to the birds in the trees as you lay in the grass, soaking up the sun’s energy

  • Close your eyes and listen to what’s going on around you and how it makes you feel

  • Stop and smell the dang roses

  • Have a dance party in the kitchen with your kids

We’ve been fed a big fat lie for too long

Society has us tricked into thinking that we need to be hustling all day everyday and even into the night in order to “be happy”. NEWSFLASH! You are allowed to spend your life doing what you love. In fact, it’s your birthright.

So, go grab a notebook and your favourite bevy and start making a plan for that thing that lights you up that you’re going to go out and do as soon as you can. Do something you’ve always wanted to, just for the hell of it. I promise you, it’ll change everything.

Then, head to Instagram and send me a DM because I want to hear ALL about it.


Forever cheering you on,



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